Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Where is the time going?

I don't know how you are doing just a few days before Christmas, but I will tell you I am in a twirl wind of activities getting ready for the holidays. Finshing up last minute homemade gifts is a big one. I have a few teacher gifts to make yet too. Don't forget those special people that often go unnoticed. The mail person, teachers, (Don't forget the phy ed, music and art teachers) your hair stylist, your childcare provider.... Your list may go on. You don't have to spend a ton of money to let these people know how important they are to you and your family. How about a gift in a jar? or just a homemade meal?

It doesn't take a lot to show people you care. It's just the idea that you went out of your way to show that you do!
Only 8 days left til Christmas!

Good Luck!

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