Sunday, December 7, 2008

Only 20 Days until Christmas!

Where is the time ticking away to? So much to do and so little time to do it. While we are all in this whirl wind of present buying, party attending, gift wrapping, and cookie baking stop to remember what the holiday season is really about. Are a lot of gifts really the answer? I say no. I always have a very hard time coming up with things I really need every year. Yes, I would LOVE the newest digital camera, a new kitchen mixer, a house full of new flooring..... But do I NEED all that stuff? The answer is definitely no. Would I like it? Oh ya, don't get me wrong. But need and want are 2 totally different things! Almost a year ago I started a website about homemade gifts for all different occasions.

This year I have decided to totally practice what I preach. Everyone is getting homemade gifts this year.

Gift giving isn't about giving some extravagant gift, and this year I know I am definitely tightening up the purse strings. Even my young children have gotten into the act of making homemade gifts. My 7 year old daughter learned to knit this summer. Guess what everyone is getting from her? You guessed it, handmade scarves. We went out and found some really nice soft yarns and she's been a knitting machine since.

I pose a challenge to you, either today or tomorrow, sit down and make a list of the people you need gifts for. Then figure out exactly how much you want to spend on each person. Feel free to visit my website for some gift ideas. And figure out if you can make a handmade gift rather than going to the store to buy one. We always get "stuff" every year. Can you remember all the gifts you got last year? Neither can I. Make something that the person you are giving the gift to, won't soon forget!

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