Saturday, March 24, 2012

Sometimes Life Gets In The Way

This week I turned 40. I did and really I am ok with it. I don't even think about it really because I have no plans on changing anything that I do normally. What does 40 look or feel like? I mean do we REALLY know? There are 90 year olds running marathons for goodness sake.

I had lots of people asking me if I was going to do anything special for my birthday. We have 3 kids, 10, 8 and 4 years old. Each kid involved in many activities. Girl scouts, boy scouts, soccer, etc. So when my husband and I look at the calendar it's pretty full. Wednesday was no exception. We had a family activity for our kid's religion classes at church. So our night was spent going from family activity to family activity for about 2 hours. When I got home my family presented me with homemade birthday cards and a cake they also had made. Now when I told people about my night they were disappointed. I heard a lot of, "Well, the weekend is coming. May you'll do something fun then." But in all honesty, I wasn't disappointed at all. I turned 40 and I was with my husband and kids. We had a pretty good time and I had cake. I mean who doesn't like cake?

Sometimes life gets in the way. Maybe I wasn't disappointed that I didn't go out or have a party because I am old. Maybe my definition of fun has changed. I'm not sure. But what I am sure about is that 40 is good, my family is great and sometimes when life gets in the way, you don't move it out of the way, you just hop on and go for a ride.                                                                               Free Zone Bars!!
Homemade Gift Ideas

Forty Things to Do When You Turn Forty

You Know You're 40 When...

How To Survive Your 40Th Birthday

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