As I sit writing this newest blog entry we are gearing up for another snow storm tonight. 3 - 6 inches ofsnow is expected for parts of Wisconsin tonight into tomorrow. YUCK! Make it stop already mother nature! We are only a few weeks away from Easter and I have started to think about little homemade gifts I can make for my kids and other family members we will see on Easter Sunday. I made some homemade Easter bakets with my kids last year using a plastic gallon milk jug. They loved it! When they searched for their baskets on Easter Sunday they knew exactly what they were looking for. They had so much fun!Go to http://www.the-best-homemade-gift-ideas.com/gallon-milk-jug.html for instructions.
Do you have a favorite Easter gift you like to make? I would love to hear about it! Share your ideas at: http://www.the-best-homemade-gift-ideas.com/share-your-idea.html